I am not sure how many people in this world don’t have to encounter blackhead problem. Everyone I know does have blackhead. So, what’s your method to overcome it? Use a blackhead pulling mask, press them out at least once a week or just leave them without doing anything? Thanks Neutrogena® for sending me their Happy 24/7 Kit. By using their Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub, I am now having less blackhead!
Neutrogena® Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub
Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub doesn’t just fight blackheads, it helps eliminate them for clearer, smoother skin. This gentle scrub immediately works two ways to not only clear out the blackheads you have now, but also to help prevent new ones from forming. First, you’ll feel it tingle as its maximum strength acne medicine, Salicylic Acid, penetrates deep to eliminate blackheads by removing stubborn dirt and oil trapped inside pores. Then, you’ll feel its gentle, skin-soothing microbeads exfoliate without overdrying to help stop blackheads before they start. Make blackheads a thing of the past. – Neutrogena

This Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub contains microbeads, that can effectively exfoliate blackheads from our pores much easier. Unlike some scrubs out there, the microbeads are truly tiny and gentle. Besides, it also contains “Blackhead Fighting Complex”, which will penetrate deeply into pores to dissolve excessive oil. Not only to remove blackheads, but also prevent the new blackhead formation with the continuous use.
Since it is a blackhead eliminating scrub, I only apply on the parts that have blackheads (Nose and chin). Take out a sufficient amount and add few drops of water, apply it on nose and chin, gently rub in circular motion.
This little portion is more than enough for one part. As said, the microbeads are tiny. When applying on my nose and chin, I admit that I doubt it really works to remove blackheads or not. I can’t really feel the “scrubbing” feeling when using it. However, the result proves it is working! Check below for the before and after comparison.
Saw the protruding pores on the nose (left photo)? And after the first time using Neutrogena® Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub, the protruding part has gone (right photo). Still, there are some stubborn clogged pores remain, but, we can’t expect a product helps removing all the blackheads by using only one time, right? So, just continue using it to see a better result.
Overall, I truly love this Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub much. It is sold at RM23.70, which I find it reasonable. If you are having headache because of blackheads, give this a try.
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