Melon of Promise – Homemade Watermelon Slushie

Welcome back to Paroles de La Vie.
Today I am going to share one of our love memoirs — Melon of Promise. 
Basically it is a watermelon slush (cocktail).
Why I called it Melon of Promise?
Because my dear promised me, he will bring her to taste the watermelon slush that supposed to have in our half-year anniversary dinner.
Why missed to have it? 
Because it did not show in the menu!!
Gosh~~~~ The intention is to try this but it’s not in the menu.. =(
Before sharing our Melon of Promise,
let’s see the photo of watermelon slush we wanted to try during that dinner.

See? How sweet is this?
Especially for couple~~~
That’s why we purposely choose that place for dining.
But then, okay… Fine~~ Shouldn’t repeat again and again.. >~<

Since that day, I kept nagging about this day to day….
I guess you know the feeling of purposely went for it but cannot have what you want.
So, Danny promised to bring me back to the restaurant for the first anniversary.
That means, half more year to go.. owwwww…. 

But, one day, my dear thought of why not doing this himself.
So, he planned to surprise with the homemade watermelon slush.
Here’s the birth of Melon of Promise! 😉

Okay, let’s share the recipe here:-

  1. A red watermelon
  2. A bottle of Sub Club lemon drop vodka
  3. Sprite
  4. Ice

**This is Danny’s recipe of watermelon slush; he tried himself; so no exact amount was recorded.



Now, let’s start to do it.

1.  Draw a love shape on the surface of watermelon.


2.  Remove the watermelon flesh inside the shape so that you can fill in the cocktail later.


3.  Blend the watermelon flesh you have removed from the shape.
**Before blending it, remove all the seeds from the watermelon. Or else, you will taste the seeds in your beloved watermelon slush.

4.  Add the lemonade vodka and sprite into the watermelon juice you have just blended.
**Add accordingly.  It’s up to you, as long as you think it tastes nice.
5.  Stir the juice so that the vodka and sprite can mix inside.
6.  Pour the watermelon slush into the love shape and put it into the refrigerator/add some ice cubes to make it cold.

Ta Ta!!!! Our Melon of Promise is ready to be served! =D

This is how my dear surprised me.
Yeah, he always manage to show his loving and caring to me. 😉
Since that, I never talk about the watermelon slush that missed during the dinner.
What I remembered, was this — The Melon of Promise.
This isn’t only homemade watermelon cocktail,
this is our love beverage! 
The beverage that is full of love.

girls and boys,
you can DIY a drink to your beloved one as well?
For us, what makes surprise a surprise,
isn’t the price of the present he/she bought.
It is from his/her real heart, the intention is to make you happy and warm.
They won’t make you jealous of others, 
but they make others jealous of what he/she did to you.

Stay sweet with your love. ❤


  1. I couldn’t work out how you got the heart in the middle and them – BAM. Cutting out the middle and adding sprite what an amazing idea. It looks so romantic too!

  2. So adorable! I just made watermelon mojitos last week. I think I would try to freeze the watermelon first before making the slushy, so it was already cold. Yum.

  3. A perfect drink for hot days! I’d take it without the alcohol too. I’m glad watermelons are an all-year round fruit here!

  4. We would love to make one like this, probably not something I might not be able to come up with. Looks refreshingly and really romantic.


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