Blogging 101 by The Butterfly Project Malaysia

I was envious of bloggers in other countries when knowing they actually had blogging workshop which bloggers can connect with each others and learn blogging skill to grow the blogging career. But now, I don’t have to be envious anymore! Thanks to The Butterfly Project Malaysia for organizing Blogging 101 Workshop! This is the first blogging workshop in Malaysia. 
It was a fun workshop. We were asked to do some “wall paintings”. Well, I mean we use marker pens to leave our message to show our support on the workshop.
Nicole Yie from
Sharon from
The workshop was set in classroom arrangement, I felt I was going back to my uni tutorial class. Everyone sit side by side and some were taking note during the workshop.
FYI, four speakers were invited in Blogging 101 Workshop. They were sharing us topics from different perspectives:

  1. Tammy Lim: Blogging 101
  2. Christopher Tock: How To Make A Kick Ass Content
  3. Dee Leonard: Quality Content from the PR Perspective
  4. Arpita: Your Rights As A Blogger/Consumer
Tammy Lim, Founder of The Butterfly Project Malaysia
Christopher Tock, Founder of
Dee Leonard, PR Director of Bridges PR
Arpita, Singapore Beauty Blogger/Pro Consumer Activist
It was awesome to have them as our workshop speakers. They shared their experience to us, taught us things that we always wonder, especially for new bloggers. I personally love Arpita’s topics the most because blogger’s right is not being very concerned since blogging world is still young in Malaysia. Sometimes, I find myself having hard time when dealing with some agencies or clients. So, now, I know my rights, I believed I can handle issues better afterward. 
There was a tea break in the middle of workshop. We had coffee and pastries from Aristo. Aristo is well-known with their premium coffee capsule, but I was blessed because they had chocolate milk in the workshop! Pastries were great, drinks were okay too.
To add more fun, Aaron was invited to join the workshop. He was truly a laugh miester, can’t stop laughing all the time when he was talking.
The workshop ended with Arpita’s topic. Again, it was a very fun workshop. I would say, the workshop was very successful, which is a great starting to have more and more blogging workshop in future. Well, the workshop wouldn’t be so successful if we don’t have the supports from the brands such as Uber, Tony Moly, MrLens, Bloomthis, Prints Buddy, Kawi Studio and Aristo. 
Flowers from
Contact Lens by and Beauty Products by Tony Moly
It was a great day, I enjoyed a lot during the workshop. I sincerely hope that blogging workshop can be organized more often, so more bloggers can join and we can get connected! 


  1. hi. u were so efficient, so fast u blog ady~~ anyway, all the best in our journey, fighting for bloggers’ right, be one with the integrity and growing together with butterfly community!

    • I wish I could take not only your back. Haha. Nice meeting you Nicole. Hope we can see soon. Not really got the chance to talk that day. =(

  2. This seems like a super duper fun blogging event. It’s a nice venue to meet people who share the same passion + it’s the perfect avenue to learn more about something you love.

  3. There was a similar blogging workshop like this one in our country but I missed going there. I wish I can go to the next. It’s good that there are people or companies that still help blog enthusiasts how to work around the blogsphere.

  4. Actually, bloggers should be well-versed with any facets of living. This workshop is of great help in increasing blogger’s knowledge.

  5. Twas a fun workshop you’ve attended. Yes, I agree, attending blogging workshops is so beneficial for bloggers old and newbies alike.


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